

Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'

It's time.  Time to move.  Time to stop planning and start doing.

Last week I took the first real tangible steps to my future. I requested the application to become a missionary.  Yesterday I got a call from the Associate Director of World Missions.  We will meet in May to discuss where I'm going & set up a budget to begin itineration.

Passport will be required in May, two weeks. Then home one week for E's graduation.Then two weeks to Cambodia.

WOW.  That's a lot! This ball is rolling a lot faster than I expected. I thought I'd get the application, take my sweet time filling it out. Then send it in when the girls were going to school in the fall.

What will I do with my house? All the furniture that I won't be able to take?
I know it will all work out, but I'm already feeling the pressure.

What if I can't do this?   What if I don't love it? What if the girls need me?  
What if.......? Deep sigh...

The Lord directs the steps of the godly.   
He delights in every detail of their lives. 
Though they stumble, they will never fall, 
 for the Lord holds them by the hand. 
~ Psalm 37:23-24



How is it that two people read the same Bible but come up with different interpretations of the truth? How can one truly claim to be saved if they continue to do the same sinful thing(s) over and over and over again?  How is it possible that one can read how God abhors sexual sin like adultery and then go out and have an affair for years, all the while putting up a front of being a good Christian to all who know you?

It is my supposition that it is not possible to be saved and continue in your sin.  Either you are a Christian and are turning from sin or you are bound for hell, a hypocrite living a sinful life and lying to everyone about what you really are. And there is only one solution. defines REPENT as follows:  "to feel such sorrow for sin or fault as to be disposed to change one's life for the better".  So is it fair to say that one truly hasn't repented if they are not "disposed to change one's life for the better"? 

"Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord"  ~ Acts 3:19.